


HeyCentric is an innovative, all encompassing Income Management solutions provider

HeyCentric’s easy to use payment system allows organisations to manage regular payments in a multitude of ways, including online web payments, automated telephone payments, ‘in person’ payments and agent assisted telephone payments.

This powerful suite of payment handling modules all feed into the HeyCentric Income Management component. This provides a highly effective overview of an organisation’s cash position and assists in both tactical and strategic decision making by giving a real-time view of the cash position at any given time. This combination of PCI DSS, PA-DSS and P2PE assured payment solutions combined with an industry leading back-office income management system is why organisations choose to use the power of HeyCentric.

HeyCentric customers include Councils, Public sector organisations, Universities and commercial customers


1: Local Authorities:

Westminster City Council & Ealing Council & 28 Councils of Ireland

2: Universities:

University of Glasgow & Kings College

3: Public Sector:

The Irish Courts & The Northern Ireland Housing Executive

Core HeyCentric IncomeManager : (Includes the following)

ETL: Job Templates. Create imports and exports to internal and external systems. Job Schedules (automate jobs), Job Execution (manually execute jobs), with real time reporting and logging.

Fixed Registers Set up screens that lay the foundations for HeyCentric.

Reporting Dashboards, automated reporting & user definable reporting.

eReturns: Mechanism to bank Cash, Cheque and PDQ Income.

Receipting (Receipt Cash, Cheque, Card, Fund Transfer & Pay by Link & Full End of Day Reconciliation (Separate charge for Stripe Chip & Pin devices)

Allocations, Re-allocations, Reversals & Refunds modules

User Administration: Easily maintain your HeyCentric system from the easy-to-use administration module (User Management including Single Sign On) Roles and Permissions and more)

Stripe: Stripe Viewer (View Stripe Payments Realtime from HeyCentric), Chargebacks (Accept or Challenge Disputes from HeyCentric with direct integrations with Stripe) Stripe Payouts (View pending payouts to your organisational Bank Account), Chip & Pin (Configure and maintain Chip & Pin setting from within HeyCentric)

Bank Reconciliation (For Stripe payments ONLY). Every Card Payment is reconciled.

Additional modules:

HeyCentric Web Payments

HeyCentric End Call

HeyCentric IVR

HeyCentric Full Bank Reconciliation

Chip & Pin